Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blogging and Climbing

I am now promising myself that I am going to start blogging a lot more.  Its kind of like a catharsis.

As I mentioned in my last post, from February, this is my do over year.  This weekend is my first chance at making last year right.  Last season, Mark and I attempted to climb Mt Shasta via the Casaval Ridge route, a route, our guide informed us, that "10s of people climb a year."  But, no summit do to snow conditions.  This year, in a fit of brilliance, we've decided to climb the more standard route, Avalanche Gulch, and do it in two days.  Day 1 up to a high camp, wake up at 12 am, climb at 1, summit, return to camp, break camp down, hike all the way out, and drive home 6 hours to Portland.  I have been exercising a ton so its now time to see if it will pay off!

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Climbing Mt. Baker

Slideshow of Mt Washington Climb

Recording about the Mt. Washington and New Hampshire Trip - 2/11/07

6 Minutes of Video of the Mt Washington Climb 2-11-07

This is long but will give you a feeling for the climb on Sunday.